Privacy Policy

Privacy policy that protects your identity and data

Phishing is the most common cyber crime. It preys on user identity and data exposed online on social media and in apps.


Privacy by default, by design

Uniquely encrypted user data

Users hidden by default

Connects private

No personally identifiable information

No user cookies

No tracking or profiling

Account Information

When you sign-up, the only data we ask for is a private login key and personal riddle. We never ask for any personally identifiable information. For this reason, we do not have any mechanism to restore or reset your account in case you forget your private key or riddle. These are stored encrypted in our database at all times.

What you enter in riddlock is encrypted and stored in the offline database and on our servers. Our encryption mechanism uses your private key, riddles and other dynamically generated keys to encrypt. To this extent data encryption is unique for every user. All data items are encrypted with a public-private key pair to enable private connects. Every connected data item is thus uniquely encrypted as well.

The only way to expose oneself is by creating a share handle and disclosing it to others. To stay anonymous, you should not use your name or identity in the share handle. If you do not want to connect at all, do not create your share handle. Most importantly, connect with trusted users only.

Personally Identifiable Data

We never ask for any personally identifiable information from our users. We do not profile them or track their data, device id or IP address. Our goal is to comply fully with privacy laws worldwide.

Non-Personal Data

Non-personal data is your browsing history, websites you visit, your language preferences and other such information which does not uniquely identify you. The only non-personal data we capture is our screens (pages) you open. We use this information only to know the usage and popularity of our screens and to identify areas of improvement.


Many websites and apps use cookies to track user behavior and preferences. The only cookies we use are system-generated server-side cookies meant for riddlock to run. We do not use cookies for any type of user profiling or tracking.

Other Websites

Riddlock or your data may contain links to other websites. You must note that since we do not have any control over such other websites, we cannot be responsible for their user and data protection policies.

Data Locations

Your data may be transmitted to and stored on servers in your home country or elsewhere. We choose our data hosting locations based on technical, administrative and financial parameters with the objective of providing unhindered and high-quality service to our users. We may also delegate the maintenance, administration and management of data to employees, affiliates and third parties in different locations.

Data Security

In order to prevent unauthorized access or leakage of user data, we use several measures, tools and technologies to ensure adequate security in data access, storage and transmission. We continue to enhance these on an ongoing basis to the best of our ability. You must however note that data security is a continuously evolving field that cannot be fully guaranteed in all respects at all times.

Data Retention

In general, your data remains with us for perpetuity, except when you delete it or when you delete your account. Deleted data is permanently removed (purged) from our database and servers periodically through automated processes. Also note that we may ourselves delete user accounts that remain inactive for a period of 6 months or more.


This privacy policy is part of our terms of use and must be read and understood in conjunction with those terms. We may change this privacy policy from time to time. We recommend that you check it regularly for changes.